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Check out what is happening at Shelbycc::

Little Galilee camp registration, follow this link to register:

Main Camp — Little Galilee Christian Camp when you register you can get a code to get you 50% off the registration fee.  Choose Shelby Christian Church and it will have the information that you need to get the discount.

Be a camp sponsor!  Give any amount you wish.  Place your donation in the offering plate during church service.  Envelopes are available on the kitchen counter.

Little Galilee fundraiser events:

Branson Show Extravaganza and Ark Encounter and Creation Museum trips. Check the posters in the church foyer for more information.

Choir practice Wednesday March 12th at 5:15. Please come join us to help back up our worship team.

Volunteer sign up sheets are on the counter.  Please consider signing up.

Women's ministry meeting, Thursday March 27th at 6:00.

Please add pastor Bill to your phone contacts so if he calls or messages you it will not go to your spam folder. (309-258-6083) or

Marcie Smith's phone number is 309-258-6084

VBS will be 7/13-7/18 with a closing program on 7/17 and pool party on 7/18.

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