God loves and provides for us in every way, even to the point of sending His son, Jesus. He first gave to us and in response we choose to follow His example by being generous in serving and giving back to Him. We want to be a church that reaches people for Jesus. We need your help to be that kind of church. Shelbycc is devoted to spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to those in central Illinois and throughout the world.
We believe strongly that God continues to use the local church to shape eternity. As responsible stewards of His resources, Shelbycc is committed to operating with financial integrity so every gift we receive will have an eternal impact.
Give during Weekend Services
At each of our weekend services there is an opportunity to give either by placing your fight in the offering plate during the worship service. Assigned envelopes are available at the office for identifying cash/check gifts. Identified gifts are recorded and you will have the option to use for your taxes. Any gift of cash or check not in a Shelbycc assigned envelope will be treated as anonymous.
Give By Mail
Gifts may also be mailed directly to the church. This option works well for using the BillPay functionality available through your banking institution. Any gift of check not in a Shelbycc assigned envelope will be treated as anonymous. Our mailing address is:
Shelby Christian Church
200 N Hickory St
Shelbyville IL 62565
Give Online/Mobile
One time and recurring gifts may be made at any time online or via a mobile device using a bank card or checking/savings account (ACH). This method of giving is simple and convenient and utilizes a secure PCI compliant gateway, VANCO. Non of your personal financial account information is stored by Shelbycc. Those who choose to create a user account may view their giving records online as well as manage their preferred giving accounts and recurring gifts. Giving in this way is identified gifts, they are recorded and you will have the option to use for your taxes.
Online Links:
Vanco Mobile is the app name for to search for in your app store or google play. When you have completed the download you must first search for Shelby Christian Church.
E-mail: Pastor Bill Smith at
Call us at 217-774-2716
Office hours are Monday and Friday 8-noon.
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