Hey there, HEY! ShelbyCC would love for you to join us, just as you are, any Sunday. Our mission is connecting people to Jesus.
We want you to know that there's a place at ShelbyCC that's perfect for you. Church is so much more than just a Sunday service. And if you're ready to get connected, please fill out the connect card during your visit.
Sunday Mornings at ShelbyCC
Worship with us 10 am (gym)
10 am
Birth - 2 years old ~ staffed nursery on the second level
2 years old - Kindergarten is referred to as Primary Worship located on the left side of the gym.
1st - 12th Grade worship located on the second level.
9 am
Small Groups for all ages from Prek-UP.
The Coffee Bar opens at 8:45 am offering complimentary drinks and breakfast treats.
E-mail: office@shelbycc.org
E-mail: Pastor Bill Smith at
Call us at 217-774-2716
Office hours are Monday and Friday 8-noon.
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